Sacred Belly Bind
healing postpartum women naturally
Our Belly Binding + Sealing Ceremonies is designed to help women healing body, mind + spirit postpartum. The class will have an audio, video, handcrafted PDF and reading materials on the benefits and how to's of these beautifully healing practices!
You will be invited to a private FB group upon signing up and will get a "supplies" list so you have what you need to get started practicing and working these services in your community straight away upon completion of attending the webinar!
Belly Binding is a sacred way to help the woman's post birth body heal, offer her abdominal support and assist in bring her back into her warm balance post birth and they feel + look great too! BONUS!
Learn all about Belly Binding in this course! Closing the birth process is critical for so many reasons, energetically to finish the process, physically to heal the body and spiritually to properly step over the threshold from maiden to mother, therefore you will also learn how to do a "sacred sealing ceremony" in this online class. The Sacred Ceremonial Tuck In Sealing Ceremony will also be taught in this class...What it is and why and how you should do it!
Be a part of the new wave of S A C R E D N E S S spreading through the birth world and be able to offer her these amazing HONORING services right away!
NOTE: You will be able to buy belly binds from us prior to the class starting if you like! They are $75.00.... So let us know if you want to add a bind onto your sign up costs!
Training Cost : $55. Fees must be paid in full upon signing up. To sign up, just respond to this email saying you wish to join us and I will shoot you an invoice and add you to the group online. We will communicate to the whole group via the private group as the training gets closer and we want to make announcements!
Details: each day you will get a video + audio and PDF learning tools for each service! BUT DONT WORRY, its go at your own pace so you dont have to be there at a certain time to listen to it and you will additionally be able to keep the materials ( the audio/video/PDF, in which you will be able to print out afterward!) AND another super cool thing is you can be anywhere in the world and learn this awesome postpartum yumminess and spread the SACRED LOVE!